5 Ways the Coal Pit Invigorates Winston-Salem

…more about community gatherings and events in the Innovation Quarter on our calendar, including our ongoing signature events: Innovation & Cinema, Fitness Fridays, Sunset Salutations, Food Truck Fridays and iQ…

Music in the Innovation Quarter

…you’ll want to get here early to grab a table for friends, family—or your pet! Learn more about community gatherings and events in the Innovation Quarter on our calendar, including…

5 Things To Do In Winston-Salem at Night

…such as Bailey South and the Link Apartments, nightlife in the Innovation Quarter has never looked brighter. Visit our calendar to stay up-to-date on everything that’s happening in the Quarter—day and night….

Four Tips for Starting a Startup

…weekend helps you sift through the process of developing your idea and your startup.” Tune in to future personal and professional development opportunities hosted at Flywheel by visiting their calendar….

From the President: Building Vibrant Community

…upcoming Innovation Quarter Town Hall on November 17 at Wake Forest Biotech Place. Please save the date on your calendar and look for more information soon via email and social…

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