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Flywheel Co-working Space Now Open

It's not just a place for people to work. It's a place where collaboration collides with innovation, turning ideas into reality. "We're all about having a community here," said Alicia Hardin, chief operating officer of Flywheel, the co-working innovation space located in the 525@vine building…

Building Human Capital with Science

Most people don't think about science when buying cosmetics or hair care products. But students who attend SciTech Institute are exploring these ideas. Young students learn the importance of science in a variety of fields and careers, and the integral role science plays in their…

Technology at Two

Students can't wait to go to MudPies Downtown East each morning. In fact, parents are amazed at their children's eagerness to learn at the child development center, a testament to the staff and innovative technology Convenience for working parents and technology set the center apart.…

Education, Technology and Innovation Under One Roof

Science, technology and education will soon stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the Wake Forest Innovation Quarter when Forsyth Technical Community College, one of the fastest growing community colleges in the country, opens its Center for Emerging Technologies within the urban research park. In October 2014, the school…

Inmar CEO: Innovation Quarter Is The New Silicon Valley

Guest column by David Mounts, Inmar CEO The Inmar team is thrilled about our upcoming move in early 2014 to Innovation Quarter and downtown Winston-Salem. Since making the decision to remain in Winston-Salem, the city in which we were founded more than 30 years ago,…

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