
Insta Pot 101

Join us as we learn all about the Insta Pot and how to make healthy meals quick and easy for you and your family. Limited seating is available, so please RSVP here.

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Strategies for Debt Management

For most Americans, debt is a necessary part of daily life. Debt helps us buy our homes, our cars, and send our children to college school. In fact, Americans hold over $1 trillion in credit card debt and $2.8 trillion in non-revolving debt/loans. During this session, you will learn to identify smart approaches to managing […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Sugar Detox

Are you addicted to sugar? Sugar is hiding in most of the foods we eat, and drinks we consume. There are several names for sugar that you may not know about. Be careful, as you indulge in that sugar-free cookie. Learn about the negative impact sugar can have on your health, and how eliminating it […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Get Moving

Learn the benefits of exercise by injecting activity into your daily routine to improve your health and keep your healthcare costs in check! Limited seating. Please RSVP here.

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Creating a Budget & Sticking to It

About half of all American households currently live paycheck to paycheck, which makes it hard to afford unexpected expenses, like car repairs or emergency room visits. Similar to how meal planning often yields healthier food choices, a budget can help you manage your household expenses to not only make ends meet but have some money […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Reading Labels

Are food labels overwhelming to read? Do you want to know more about what's on the back of those cans, boxes and packages at the store? Learn expert tips on reading food and pricing labels at the grocery store for optimal physical and financial health. Don't let numbers and ingredients ruin your health. This event […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Spending Traps

Nearly one-fourth of consumers admitted in a recent survey that they did not have a good idea of where they were spending their money. If this sounds familiar, you may be vulnerable to spending traps. From Kohls Cash and Starbucks Stars to grocery BOGO offers and retail gift with purchase deals, spending traps are all […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Nontoxic Spring Cleaning Seminar

Time for some spring cleaning! Clear out those closets and dust off the dust bunnies. Cleaning doesn't have to be hectic. You don't have to get rid of everything. Save money and improve your health with these nontoxic cleaning tips. This event has limited seating, please RSVP in advance.

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Protect Your Identity

Identity fraud is a clear and present danger in our society today with far-reaching impact. In 2017, over 16 million Americans were impacted by identity fraud with losses in excess of $16 billion. In addition to the financial toll, fraud victims are left with the arduous task of repairing the damage and rebuilding their credit […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Benefits of Sleep Seminar

Work, school, children, stress... We all have trouble sleeping from time to time. Learn why sleep is beneficial for you. Learn how to improve the quality of your sleep for a healthier and more balanced you.  This event has limited seating. RSVP here.

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Money Habitudes

An important part of establishing healthier money habits is not just understanding what you do with your money but why you manage it the way you do. During this fun and interactive session, you will gain a greater understanding of the impact of your values, habits, attitudes and emotions on your spending and saving decisions. […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ

Mindfulness Class

Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment. This introductory class will teach you how to bring your attention to the experiences occurring in the present moment as well as how to handle situations in the moment. Mindfulness has both physical and mental health benefits including help with weight loss, stress management, […]

Wake Forest Biotech Place- WellQ